Operating principle: Stimulation of the retina by speckle structures of laser radiation in the green and red spectra, according to the spectral sensitivity of the retinal photoreceptors. Stimulation is also used when mixing speckle structures
Therapeutic effect: increasing visual acuity in amblyopia of various origins, relieving visual fatigue when working on a computer or wearing contact lenses
Diagnostics: the effectiveness of treatment is assessed by the parameter of the critical flicker fusion frequency (CFMF) in the green and red spectral ranges
Congenital and acquired visual impairments reduce sensitivity to the green or red spectrum. Impairments in color perception are associated with the opacity of optical media, and are also characteristic of pathology of the macular region of the retina and indicate disturbances in the sensory system of the eye, leading to a decrease in the parameter – the critical frequency of image flicker fusion (CFFR).
The study of vision by monitoring the general (“multi-level”) characteristics of the state of the visual apparatus – the CFSM parameter in the green or red regions of the spectrum with the Spekl-M apparatus allows for differential diagnosis.
Congenital and acquired visual impairments reduce sensitivity to the green or red spectrum. Impairments in color perception are associated with the opacity of optical media, and are also characteristic of pathology of the macular region of the retina and indicate disturbances in the sensory system of the eye, leading to a decrease in the parameter – the critical frequency of image flicker fusion (CFFR).
The study of vision by monitoring the general (“multi-level”) characteristics of the state of the visual apparatus – the CFSM parameter in the green or red regions of the spectrum with the Spekl-M apparatus allows for differential diagnosis.
The Spekl-M device is intended for use in vision protection departments of district clinics, ophthalmology departments of regional hospitals and vision correction centers.
The device is used in preschool specialized educational institutions for children with visual impairments.
The device is recommended for use in schools to relieve visual fatigue.