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Solea RGB LED Light Source Seeing the full spectrum


Facts at a glance
essential requirements

Intraocular illumination of the surgical field plays a fundamental role in vitreoretinal surgery. It has an influence on the success and efficiency of a surgery.


Innovative RGB technology for free color composition and visualization
of fine structures

16.7 million colors for individual color composition and contrast enhancement


RGB LED technology prevents harmful radiation in the UV or IR range without filters

Retinal protection mode minimizes phototoxic effects by deactivating the blue LED,
thus extending the safe surgery time to min. 30 min.

3 independent fiber optic outputs with up to 45 lm luminous flux each

Long durability of the LEDs with up to 60.000 h4

Only ophthalmic surgical light source with red LED

Easy to use

Intuitive handling thanks to 7“ multi touch display (proven PCAP technology – projective capacitive touch screen)

Individual user profiles and parameter settings

Auto-save function automatically saves the last values

Easy cleaning and wipe disinfection of the glass surface with protection class IP33 (including protection against spray water)

Color temperature from 3,000 – 6,000 K indirectly adjustable via color composition

The spectrum of innovative RGB technology

Light sources must meet three main characteristics

generate a color rendering that enables correct conclusions about the anatomy

provide the necessary brightness

provide a high level of safety for users and patients before, during and after use

The spectrum of innovative RGB technology

By displaying 16.7 million colors, the RGB LED technology provides new insights into the posterior segment and thus new applications Local contrast enhancement improves the visualization of specific structures in the eye (eg vitreous body, ERM, ILM, etc.) The Solea opens up new possibilities for making vitreoretinal surgery even safer, in particular through the use of a red LEDDue to the narrow-band emission of light from the RGB LEDs it makes the use of additional UV or IR filters unnecessary The user-friendly control panel and intuitive user interface increase the safety and efficiency in the OR

New insights through RGB LED

The Geuder Solea light source not only meets essential requirements, but also offers new application possibilities thanks to the new RGB technology.

Contrast enhancement through targeted color rendering can visualize the vitreous in central or peripheral vitrectomies up to the vitreous base — here a turquoise-blue hue — can increase visibility. Bluish colors are particularly suitable for ablation and removal of vitreous remnants.

Orange-brown shades can be useful for specific contrast enhancements, for example, during the localization of retinal detachments.

Thanks to the additive color mixing in the RGB color space, the surgeon can use eg green hues, to better visualize deeper structures as the choroid.

Minimizing phototoxicity

Despite numerous innovations, some problems in endoillumination of the eye have not yet been solved in recent years.Harmful UV and IR rays arriving from outside are largely filtered by the cornea and lens of the eye, but this natural protective barrier is bypassed during endoillumination.

The greatest danger is the destruction of cells in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) due to blue light damage, also called phototoxicity. The irradiation causes so-called oxidative stress on the photoreceptors in the RPE1 , in which oxygen radicals (ROS) can form due to the photochemical processes and thus an increased deposition of eg lipofuscin is induced. This problem ultimately leads to increased cell death and thus promotes the development of other pathologies such as macular degeneration (AMD)

Studies show that high-energy, visible wavelengths of 415 – 455 nm have the highest potential for oxidative stress on the RPE2,3 . These wavelengths are increasingly produced by cool white LEDs, which means that a phototoxic light component that cannot be neglected is present.

(Image: Blue light has the highest phototoxic potential)

Other factors influencing the degree of phototoxicity include intensity and exposure duration of the irradiation as well as the size and type of the endoilluminator, but also the distance to the retina.

In addition to the selection of the endoilluminator, eg wide angle fiber optic, which scatters the light more broadly and thus has lower irradiation intensities on the retina, primarily the selection of the right light source plays a role in reducing the exposure to phototoxic radiation.

In order to further minimize the risk, appropriate standards such as ISO 15004-2 have been created. These determine, among other things, the safety of the application through limiting values ​​for the maximum irradiation in the eye. Nevertheless, in spite of all the measures taken so far, damage cannot be completely eliminated.

(Image: Different types of fiber optics and working distances)

Trend-setting retinal protection

To further reduce the risk of phototoxicity, the new Geuder Solea light source features an innovative retina protection mode. This new function deactivates the blue LED and thus minimizes the phototoxic component almost completely. The remaining light when the blue LED is deactivated is composed of a red and green LED, which due to their wavelengths in the relevant range between 500 and 635 nm have a lower phototoxicity than cool white LEDs. In addition, the safe irradiation time is increased at least 30 minutes (according to ISO 15004-2).

By switching off the blue LED, the relative spectral irradiation of the SOLEA® changes

Spectrum in normal mode

Spectrum in retina protection mode

The coloring of the Solea, which can generate 16.7 million colors in normal mode with three RGB LEDs, enables smart lighting concepts to display fine tissue structures that can be better differentiated by means of complementary contrast.

Thanks to the innovative RGB design, the blue LED can be deactivated and thus protective filters can be dispensed. In retina protection mode, despite this restriction, a variation of 65,536 colors can be generated in the orange-yellow-green spectrum.


Lifespan LED

The short durability of the xenon light sources is extended by up to 100 times thanks to the longevity properties of the LEDs. Whereas conventional xenon light sources require a lamp replacement after approx. 300 – 500 h, LEDs allow durability of up to 60,000 h and thus reduce the service effort and follow-up costs. LEDs also have a constant light output, whereas xenon lamps have power losses (approx. 50% after 200 h).

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